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​Detail and Feature survey

A Detail and Feature Survey is required by Council if you are intending to build, extend or add a granny flat. The survey will show position of existing structures (buildings, trees, pools etc), neighboring structures, setbacks, spot levels and contours. This survey will also be used by your Architect to design your new home.


Identification Report

An identification report shows boundaries to a block of land and an outline of any buildings on that land. Required for the sale or mortgage of a property. Outlines if there are any hidden encroachments or problems with the land before purchase.


Boundary Survey

A  boundary survey will mark the corners of your property. This can be used for fencing purposes, to ensure new buildings are within the boundaries or just to re confirm that your boundaries are where you think they are.


Set Out for Construction

We specialize in construction set out of all kinds. Whether it be a new house or a multi storey high rise we are qualified experts who can undertake all set out required.


  • Redefinition and consolidation plans
  • Subdivision plans
  • Pipeline and Easement surveys
  • Work as Executed Plans and Certification Surveys
  • Boundary marking and building set-out
  • Lease plans and lettable area surveys
  • Rural Surveys
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